Who Can Benefit from DropShip e-Commerce?

E-commerce is enjoying an unprecedented boom thanks to the steady migration of consumers from brick-and-mortar shops to online shopping. We’ve seen e-commerce platforms such as Amazon dominate the retail scene, and this leaves us wondering if this is truly going to be the persistent trend for the years to come.   Looking at the data,…

Changing the Face of Retail Trends

Trending for quite a few years already, retail brands have created online shopping options and some have even transitioned fully to online shopping closing their physical stores. Recent events have furthered the march toward online shopping even more than ever.   eCommerce is thriving today, and even with our new reality most consumers still want…

4 things to consider about your EDI Provider

Businesses often choose an EDI provider under a time deadline and based on an initial EDI partner’s requirements. The EDI choices made to satisfy the first purchasing relationship often wind up setting the stage for all future EDI relationships.   Here are some things to ask yourself to determine how that initial EDI selection is…

4 Reasons Choosing the Right Dedicated EDI and E-commerce Network is More Important than Ever.

Even though many diverse techniques for trading online orders have emerged in recent years, the concept of the Dedicated EDI Network (EDI VAN) is still as meaningful as ever. Always the backbone of retail e-Commerce trading, EDI VANs have evolved well beyond handling traditional EDI documents and have become full-blown e-Commerce Networks with very diverse…

Out with the Old in with the New – The History of EDI

The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standard is one of the most novel and helpful set of rules in our electronic and digitized age. The EDI standard has been used to exchange transactions between businesses electronically rather than sending paper-based information. Like so many key technologies, EDI has changed over the years to adapt to changing…